Phi Group has extensive experience in the installation of concrete panel faced ‘reinforced earth’ structures. As these are often provided on a design and supply only basis by other companies, it is important that a specialist such as Phi Group is employed to carry out the installation.

Common uses
Where levels are being raised on site to maximise development footprint
Highways widening schemes
Bridge abutments and wing walls
Where a robust durable solution is required
As the granular material is being placed in layers, reinforcement is incorporated within this material to provide additional strength. The type of reinforcement can vary for the concrete panel ‘Reinforced Earth’ structures. The two options are galvanised steel or geosynthetic straps. The fill material is typically a 6I/6J granular material, but testing is required to prove suitability.

120 year design life with HAPAS Certification
Quick to install
Cost effective compared to traditional methods
Capable of accommodating high loads
Lower imposed loads than traditional methods, so better for marginal soil conditions